duNia baRu...
deNgan oRang yG baRu...
kumpuLan hal2 baRu...
situaSi yaNg baRu...
jiwa yaNg baRu...
thaT's new Mee....
tHx for mY aBang...aBang2'q...:)
Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010
Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010
i'M free now..
target baru...
sasaraN tingGal dtentuKan..
keNa pa tidak..
keNa laksanaKan sebaik2'x tak kena tak apalah..
yg penting i'm alway's be happy ja..
lupakan yg kemaren2...
just me ja..:)
target baru...
sasaraN tingGal dtentuKan..
keNa pa tidak..
keNa laksanaKan sebaik2'x tak kena tak apalah..
yg penting i'm alway's be happy ja..
lupakan yg kemaren2...
just me ja..:)
Senin, 20 September 2010
wiTh aLL mY famiLY LamaDau....
iNiLah kaMi seMua....:)
aGak kuRang seehh persoNiL'x....tPi gpPLah....ttaP haPpy...:)
wiTh mY LittLe sisTa...:)
wiTh....mY brOtHer's....
wiTh mY maMi....n LivI...:)
kiTa sMUa....:)
wiTh...mY biG brO....
aGak kuRang seehh persoNiL'x....tPi gpPLah....ttaP haPpy...:)
wiTh mY LittLe sisTa...:)
wiTh....mY brOtHer's....
wiTh mY maMi....n LivI...:)
kiTa sMUa....:)
wiTh...mY biG brO....
LebaRan...1431 H
daH sLesaI puaSa n LebaRan...hasiL huNtiNg paDa bagus2 sMua....ni hasiL'x...
aT tinoMbo....desa pace...:)
aT tinoMbo Lagee....
aT tinoMbo...trUzz...
tTap aT tiNoMbo...
tTaP jembaTan'x tiNomBo baGus....hahahaha
aT tinoMbo....desa pace...:)
aT tinoMbo Lagee....
aT tinoMbo...trUzz...
tTap aT tiNoMbo...
tTaP jembaTan'x tiNomBo baGus....hahahaha
Sabtu, 14 Agustus 2010
puaSa Lagii....!
Sabtu, 05 Juni 2010
Kamis, 27 Mei 2010
aT mei....
tHis is my bird daY in this month...hoppely can will be fine always in my life...n i love so my secret....(^_^)
Jumat, 30 April 2010
wiTh mY bFF aT caMpus...
Sabtu, 10 April 2010
Kamis, 08 April 2010
coMe bacK again....
in maKassaR Lagi....muLai aktifitas Lagi....muLai sibuk Lagi....muLai pusiNg Lagi...Lagi-Lagi...dan Lagi-Lagi....
Rabu, 31 Maret 2010
aT firTs daY in April...!
MaNy thiNg's.........maNy pLanniNg,,,,maNy hoPeLLy........aNd maNy more agaiN....Let's geT sTardEd...to aPriL...
Jumat, 19 Maret 2010
aBouT sTep uP 2....tHe streeT...
sTep..uP 2....tHe strEet....they're....Andie West (Brianna evigan),,,CahSe coLliNs (RoberT HoffMan),,,MooSe (AdaM G. SevaNi),,,,SopHie (Cassie),,,CabLe (HarrY sHuM Jr),,,,MonsTer (LuiGy RosaDo),,,haiR (ChrisT sCott),,,MissY,,,,KiDo,,,etC......This fiLM it"s the greaT dancer fiLm I know iT....they're stlye..to daNcer is sO aMazing.....we caN see tHat aLL in fiLm.....
mY iDoL.....The BesT druMmeR iN the worLd....
He naMe's traVis baRker.....he ever join in band in the name is bLinK 182.....
He is the greaTest dRuMmer I Know it....b'coZz he had verY stRoNg poWeR to plaY druMer....
hE sTLye....aLwaY's good perFoMance.....wE caN he tHat eveRy wheRe...iN thaT concerT wiTh peoPle MusiCian Like as EmineM,,,,,KeNya wesT,,,,LiL wayNe,,,avriL LaviGne,,,DJ AM,,,,etC...I'm verY Like him...hoPpeLy I caN be the besT DruM Like him...yeaH...!!!
He is the greaTest dRuMmer I Know it....b'coZz he had verY stRoNg poWeR to plaY druMer....
hE sTLye....aLwaY's good perFoMance.....wE caN he tHat eveRy wheRe...iN thaT concerT wiTh peoPle MusiCian Like as EmineM,,,,,KeNya wesT,,,,LiL wayNe,,,avriL LaviGne,,,DJ AM,,,,etC...I'm verY Like him...hoPpeLy I caN be the besT DruM Like him...yeaH...!!!
mY iDoL.....YouNg Dancer.......
Adam G. Sevani.......was born 29 June 1992........he is the best dancer n actor.....I'm very Like him..
wE can see him in film Step uP 2....the street....iT's so great film...cute Adam....
hE join in group dancer n they're name is ACDC....
ACDC ever battle with M&M crew....by Miley Cyrus.....
ACDC can be started the battle but M&M finished....looked that in Teen Choice...aWard's 2008.....
buT foR mE ACDC iT so great crew dancer....Like as Adam....!!!
wE can see him in film Step uP 2....the street....iT's so great film...cute Adam....
hE join in group dancer n they're name is ACDC....
ACDC ever battle with M&M crew....by Miley Cyrus.....
ACDC can be started the battle but M&M finished....looked that in Teen Choice...aWard's 2008.....
buT foR mE ACDC iT so great crew dancer....Like as Adam....!!!
Rabu, 10 Maret 2010
aGain Me n aLways be fuN.....
aLwaYs be fuN iN eveRy wHere.........
I can Try to tHe besT peOpLe.....
hoPpeLy....ow GOD.......!!!
Minggu, 28 Februari 2010
Selasa, 23 Februari 2010
mY famiLy LamaDau.....b'soDara!!
iNdahNya......saaT2 b'saMa keLUarga besaRku LamadaU....maKan2,,,jaLan2,,,seRu2aN baReng...poKok'x aLways pasTi sLaLu baKu baWa....n I LoVe veRy mucH mY famiLy LaMaDaU!!
Minggu, 21 Februari 2010
juSt...to be Me!!
aLways....jusT to be me...buT I can't do somethiNg to iT!!! noW...i can try to forgeteD aboUt mY probLem n go To be a gOoD persoN iN heRe!!
Kamis, 18 Februari 2010
aT paLu noW!!!
MuLai hari ni....sYa merasakan kembali gmana paLu pada pagi hari n beraktifitas seperti biasa ketika berada dpaLu.....senangx bisa kembali lagi berkumpul ma kluaerga n teman2 yang ada dsni....pokokx mw happy2 dsni dulu n melepaskan strezz kuliah diMakassar.....cuMan kebiasaanx paLu mati lampu truzz kerjanya.....yah bgtuLah!!!
Rabu, 10 Februari 2010
finaL it'zz oVeR!!
Selasa, 09 Februari 2010
Persiapan besOk
hari ni tU caPek baNGet....soal'x ngeJar ma tuGas2 besaR buaT dikumpuLin besOk...
taPi paS lge ngerJain tadi beReng2 ma sobat2Kuw yG goKil2 abizzzz...daRi kaMpus....aMpuN deH!!!
taPi paS lge ngerJain tadi beReng2 ma sobat2Kuw yG goKil2 abizzzz...daRi kaMpus....aMpuN deH!!!
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