Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

mY iDoL.....The BesT druMmeR iN the worLd....

He naMe's  traVis baRker.....he ever join in band in the name is bLinK 182.....
He is the greaTest dRuMmer I Know it....b'coZz he had verY stRoNg poWeR to plaY druMer....
hE sTLye....aLwaY's good perFoMance.....wE caN he tHat eveRy wheRe...iN thaT concerT wiTh peoPle MusiCian Like as EmineM,,,,,KeNya wesT,,,,LiL wayNe,,,avriL LaviGne,,,DJ AM,,,,etC...I'm verY Like him...hoPpeLy I caN be the besT DruM Like him...yeaH...!!!

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